meximick's Diaryland Diary


Temptation Island Real-Time

Watching "Temptation Island" right now. Here's the play by play. (All times CST)



Dude, youre totally dumped. Shannon and Tom are currently sitting in a tree and they have been m-a-k-i-n-g o-u-t in said tree. You are superweak. I'm sorry to be so blunt, but you needed this tuffluv to get past this difficult moment. Go now and sin no more...

Shannon. Go with Tom. He's great! Hell, my own manhood was called into question watching Tom. Wait! Maybe that didn't come out right, but when it comes right down to it, he's dreamy, yo.

No. NO. OH GOD!!!! DON'T stay with Andy. He sucks. He wanted to bag Elizabeth AND Megan. Probably at the same time, that jerk.



Billy. The chix did dig you. I did just see a Fox Chicago News commercial with the both of you, and you both were still madphat couple-like, so I'll understand if you keep her. Mandy is pretty cute and fun afterall.

Mandy. That finaldate guy was indeed Mr. Sensitive PonytailGuy, without the ponytail. But you're gonna stay with Billy.

YAY! You kids made the right decision. Now get the hell off my TV.



Kaya. You've got to drop this girl. She's superattatched. She's got you pegged as her guy4life. Be strong. That final date girl was superhot and cool and you connected and you know it.

Welcome to dumpsville, population Valerie.

Commercial. DAMN YOU FOX.

Valerie. You had a bad time. Admit it. Oh, God. She's crying. Kaya, do it now, or you never will! Be gentle. Good. You had no regrets. That's awesome. Good work, my man. 2 connections made, you say. Hmmm...

NO. NO. not the "you make me a better man" malarky. NOOOOOOO AHHHHHHHH. I feel so cheated. REALITY TV, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?!?!

Yeah. Get the hell off my TV, you crazy kids.


I can't believe Shannon agreed to marry Andy.

I love you.

01:49:27 - 2001-03-01


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