meximick's Diaryland Diary


Laundry Disaster

Ok, so I was drying a load of laundry on Sunday. The machine stopped spinning, and to my shock and dismay, when I removed my pants from the dryer, there were huge oil-stain-looking blotches on them. The second pair I removed looked the same.
I was incensed.
Someone would pay for what this fucked up dryer did to my work pants.

Dockers aren't cheap, you know.

I grabbed an official laundry employee and pointed out what the dryer did to my beloved pants and shorts, removing pair after pair of stained garments, ruined by what I knew was a faulty clothes dryer.
And then I found my Chap Stick. It had been in my green shorts pocket all the time.

So now I'm torn between having to go out and pay over $120 for 4 pairs of ruined pants and shorts, or just wearing the pants to work, stains and all.
Like I am today.
You really can't see the stains on khaki, so I think I'm ok.

18:31:15 - 2000-08-23


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