meximick's Diaryland Diary


So these people next to me on the train almost made me vomit.

I was on the train this morning coming to work, holding on to the bar and sipping my iced tea, just trying to hold it together. No one on the train in the morning talks except for the fucking crazy people talking to themselves or the annoying people with their walkman turned up who think they're Stevie Wonder. The two humans to my right were making fucking kissy faces and talking about and fondling the girl's cd player inbetween kissing sessions and oh, dear Lord Jesus I wanted to smash them both in their huge heads. They were happy as retards. I'm delighted they discovered the joy and magical whimsy of love's embrace together, but its fucking 8 in the morning and I have no patience for that type of garbage.

It's bad enough getting knocked around by the train's motion and shoved aside by little old ladies carrying inordinately large fucking shopping bags, but now I have to put up with the two most in-love morning people ever.

Ok, so last night my drug dealing neighbor came by and dropped off the Bible (*wink*wink*). Using "The Good Book", me, Mike, and our Bible-thumping friend got so wasted. The Bible was so fucking good, that I still feel its power in my head today. Praise be to the Lord! I shall always sing the praises of Bible study and then watching tv.

So I was supposed to have a conversation with my neighbor about not taking each others pants off again or something or other. The good news - I didn't have to have that uncomfortable talk with her - she came, smoked, and left. (I still think she's fishing for a smooch everytime she goes to leave, but I'm all like, "Well, thanks for dropping by!" and then slamming the door closed on her and dead bolting it.) And also, maybe if I don't say anything to her regarding 'the situation', it will just go away on its own. She's ok to hang out with, but I'm drawing the line at that.

The bad news: I can't really see any at this point. I'm doing very little at work, and receiving high praise. I fuck around on the internet all day and most people I work with don't even realize I'm even here. I get to travel for training for a week in September. I got tickets for Face to Face in 3 weeks.

And I have the Holy Bible at home, waiting for me to read a verse or two later.

16:21:20 - 2000-08-23


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