meximick's Diaryland Diary


day's summary

firstly, marychen is everywhere I want to be.

So I actually did some work to-day rather than learn HTML by guessing, which is what I normally do. I refuse to go out and get a book or go to another website to find out how.

That's the cheater's way.

Tomorrow by this time I will have already drank my 8th or 9th bourbon n' rum all courtesy of the corporation I work for. All praise be Allah!

I actually have done a nominal amount of work this week. Nominal = about 4 hours worth. I call people, and send them friendly emails, and surf the web for anything to stave off the ennui that is my job. I prefer or They keep me grounded and civil.

Forget this cybergarbage, I'm going home.

20:24:23 - 2000-08-24


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