meximick's Diaryland Diary


What the Hell is wrong with me?

Ok, so I'm sitting at my desk, counting the seconds until I win another ebay auction.

And I'm fondling the back of my head, trying to mat down my clearly out of control hair. There's this one piece in the back that won't stop curling up. Without thinking, I grabbed the scissors and chopped it off.

I came to my senses and looked at my hands with horror...

There are just some things you shouldn't be doing at work, and I do them all.

Constantly come in late..................Yes

Do next to nothing in terms of work, while surfing the internet or playing video games all day......Who are you to judge me?

Take naps in the bathroom stalls.........It'll do in a pinch

Ogle the cute newsroom females......You Evil Scumbag!

See whats new in the world of internet porno......No Way!

Give my hair a trim at my desk...............I can't believe you!

Quietly listen to Slayer to combat Sheri's country music......Just once. It was on accident.

Use your job and its resources to enact a secretive, terrible plan of retribution against all who have wronged you..........Not really.

Oh, I luv you, Diary!!

You make me want to dance and sing and snort drugs and drink sweet, delicious bourbon!
Just like every Friday!

20:31:12 - 2000-08-25


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