meximick's Diaryland Diary


What's so funny aboutpeace, love, and understanding?

Why does Thai food taste like filth? Maybe I should stop taking it from the Thai restaurant's dumpster.

Very little is going on in my life currently. The office is mostly empty, and if Sheri says "okely-dokely" one more time I will just go insane. She really-honest to God says shit like that - "Howdy Howdy!"- to greet people in the a.m. "Yuppers" (as in 'yes') "Oh, fiddlesticks!" instead of "Holy bitch-slapping Christ!" (which is a personal favorite of mine, though I would never - even on a dare- ever bitch-slap the Son of God.)

so tonight - drink heavily vs. do my laundry so I have clean clothes for tomorrow.

The build-up of laundry just tasks me. The pile of dirty clothes sits there in its spot in my room as it continues to grow. Mocking me. Shaming me. The point of instability of the clothes pile has long since been reached, and it has taken on a life of its own, seeking to maximize its hold on the floorspace of my domicile.

so drinking tonight should be cool if we go to that bar with the cute Irish waitress so I can get obnoxiously drunk and hit on her until my so-called friends pull themselves off the floor from laughing at me and lead me away.

I travel to St.Louis next week for training on our computer programs. It will be nice to travel on the company's dime, but when I get back, more will be expected of me which will be really awful.

Work is bad. But Elvis Costello is good.

15:03:00 - 2000-09-12


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