meximick's Diaryland Diary


James is a really fey British band

Does the new fall TV lineup always sound as bad as it does this year? And "OZ" doesn't come back until January...

World Series = Yankees + Cardinals

Oh, and my Lichtenstein print arrived on Monday, but the box looked like someone at UPS sawed it in half then jumped on it and then taped it back together - it was very obviously ruined, so I was so very angry and I didn't even have a whiskey bottle to hurl at anyone.

I don't specifically remember how I got this cut on the side of my nose, but then again thanks to drugs and alcohol I don't remember much at all about elementary school either.

Oh God, my boss just walked in...

Riding the "L" is often times a bitter, unspoken negotiation for space. The half hour ride downtown is usually very crowded and silent, but there are cute girls on the train, so it's not all bad. This sounds mean, but there's nothing worse on a crowded train than a large fat person wearing a backpack who has no idea of the total space they occupy and because of this I get constantly hit in the shoulder because the guy keeps twisting and turning to see if any seats have been freed up. So I secretly told him to fuck off because I'm courteous enough to swing my backpack around so it's not jammed in someone's side.

On the way home when I finally found a seat, three stops from where I get off, and a man and woman and their three kids got on. So I argued with myself because I usually won't give up my seat unless the person is elderly or pregnant, and then got up and gave them my seat and they said thank you and I felt pretty good.

Watched Ralph Nader on Chi public tv, and he was very convincing. I probably might maybe vote for him, but I really fear Bush getting elected because then I will have to move to Canada and moving is a pain in the ass. Nader only needs 5% of the popular vote in November, and then the Green party will be eligible for federal matching funds next election and then the whole grassroots thing will really pick up and soon people will become empowered and corporations will fall and hopefully my student loan bills will be taken care of.

12:51:19 - 2000-10-11


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