meximick's Diaryland Diary


Getting Drunk. Complaining. Two Music Recommendations.

This weekend I went out with Mike and the girl and a friend of Mike's from work and her sister. The challenge: find somewhere "out" where the friend's 18 year old sister could get in. Short of a bowling alley, I had absolutely no idea, and who doesn't like getting bombed at the bowling alley?! But my theory fell on heathen ears, and we ended up at the Gingerman, which has a terrible appearance in the back with the pool tables, but is kind of cozy in front, with a fantastic jukebox. Obviously me and the girl were shivering in the back, waiting for Mike and the girls. We can't all get in, so he convinced a doorguy down the block that the 18 year old was our designated driver (which would never have occurred to me, since I've so rarely used one), and it worked. So we drank. The girl called off early - about 1am. Then Mike insisted on ordering Minderasers, which I have no love for, and which they screwed up, and for which they charged $8-10 each! Fuckers. Good conversation, lots of cigarettes, unnecessary amounts of liquor. Needless to say we closed down the place. Thinking that it was not a good idea to bring a cute, superdrunk 18 year old to an after hours place, I decided that the girl might not mind if we went back to her place (where I would end up anyway). Ooops. Three problems.

a) We were fucking wasted. I was probably the most sober-minded out of the four of us, but I was seeing double at times. And a couple of beers still sounded like a good idea.

b) The only sources of alcohol there was a half bottle of amaretto, 1 Corona, 1 Miller Lite, and 1 Margarita flavored wine cooler. And the bottle of Jameson's that Mike received as a gift from the theatre company earlier in the night.

c) the girl was asleep.

Suffice to say she was not amused. The girls didn't stay long, and I tried to convince Mike to stay, hoping to keep him out of the drunk tank, but he'll always choose drunken stumbling over being told what to do.

The girl recovered. Mike had an incredible hangover and had an afternoon performance, so payback took care of itself, I guess.

I am amazingly bored today. I have so little to do. I'm not inspired to go out of my way to train on any new stuff, seeing as they're not bothering to keep me around. I'm not angry or upset, just once again disappointed in the American Corporate Capitalist system. It's completely about money, and someone in an office across the country who has never met me, does not know my specific operational role, has determined that the company will save more money if they let me go. That's it. Nothing more. I won't miss this job at all. I just hate to be pushed out without a decent explanation.

Also---- This is an amazing album

Also----I'm liking this disc more and more.

2:08 p.m. - 2002-03-12


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