meximick's Diaryland Diary


And Newsradio is on at 1:00p on A&E too...

Today on The Golden Girls, Blanche (that fucking slut!) wasn't going to sell a share of her house to Dorothy, Rose, and Sophia in order to comply with the city code, and she was such a bitch! But then she realized the power of true friendship and sold them a share, and now she can totally get that hot tub like she planned 20 minutes previously. I luv that show. Still unemployed, I asked the Girl to wake me up today before she left at 7:30 so I could watch it. It ended with a tender moment between Dorothy and her elderly mother, Sophia, with Dorothy embracing Sophia saying, "Aww, c'mere you tramp!" Cue credits. Now that's good goddamn tv!

I pick up a check from the lawfirm today, and hopefully my severence tomorrow, which should hold me for about a week. But I'm also going to stop at a staffing agency too, with an updated resume, and a fairly unsurly attitude. Since the last 2 jobs I've had sucked quite a bit, my next job will have to be fairly non-hatred based. Otherwise, my next bout of unemployment could end in me running off to Canada, which in my mind I've built up into my permanent Plan B. It'll be my all-time standby alternative plan. Moving to Canada.

I hope my brother sent me those Celebrex like he told me. I can't be sure if he did because in order to collect my mail, I have to go into the shitty t-shirt store my landlord runs and bullshit with her and she is one of the most uninteresting conversationalists I've ever chatted with......

Example: No air conditioning in her store, 90 degrees and humid on a thursday night, I'm sweating like you can read about and getting my 3 pieces of mail I got this week, and she's going on and on about the time her sister was minding the store, and her throat got slashed during a robbery. Fuck! I didn't need any of that!

So I avoid getting my mail.

9:21 a.m. - 2002-07-18


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