meximick's Diaryland Diary


It's Official

Word up, D'Land. Do you know what's a funny word? Bankrupcy.

So if you read my last entry, or if you are a Wall Street financeer with an eye on the domestic debt market, then you should now know:

My company is going into bankrupcy!


Our debt can be purchased for less than 10 cents on the dollar, so hurry up and write big checks.

So to celebrate that announcement on Thursday, I bought a big bottle of whiskey and slugged it down until, as I was later told, I was drunkenly shouting along to my stereo, or as I like to call it - "Meximick: In Concert".

Needless to say, I called in sick (read:drunk) on Friday and became reacquainted with a good friend called couch.

And yes, that would be a 3-day work week, thankyouverymuch.

So this bankrupcy (or as I like to refer to it, That Bad Business Thing) is not the headline-grabbing "Workers Locked Out - 5000 Lose Jobs" kind of upheaval/liquidationstyle bankrupcy, but more of a calling-up-a-headhunter-while-telling-your-employees-that-everything's-alright kind of bankrupcy - you know, a heartwarming bankrupcy just like Grampa used to talk about as the children sat 'round the hearth on Christmas before you put him in the home.

I'm not very worried because I'm not informed enough to be scared.

But I am stealing all the office supplies and free soda I can get my hands on.

Oh, and Bobby got his $500 back.

981425219 - 2001-02-05


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