meximick's Diaryland Diary



I just walked into the office kitchen area to retrieve my sammich from the refrigerator, and noticed John, the mailguy, as usual, watching TV on his lunch break. The man is about 40, divorced, says about 10 words a day, and has been working this office's mailroom for about 10 years. And everyday he eats his lunch and watches "Bonanza". Today I walked in, and he was watching "Scarecrow and Mrs. King", and I became concerned...

I got to see a salesperson yell at the sales manager today. He yelled, "Why the fuck did you have my cell phone shut off?" And then moreso to himself as he walked away, "Some people, man. No wonder people are running away from this fucking company." And when you are an unhappyworkguy like me, things like this provide you with enough amusement to forget what a bullshit place this is.

Spoke with Tara - she told me that she checked with the Asst. Director at the place I interviewed with, and she was told they hadn't made a decision yet. It just recently occurred to me that if I get this new job, will I just jump in, assuming I have the skill and patience and determination to do this job well? Am I just going to take this job because it's the first one I've interviewed for?

That job is one of those toughest-jobs-you'll-ever-love deals, and I'm basically fairly immature, when you come right down to it. Maybe I like the idea of the job more than the job itself. I'm not sure if I'm capable of handling that level of responsibility. Or maybe I just don't want to.

And I'm just sitting here, prolly like a thousand other people like me, just watching the clock, waiting for 5:00 to come because like me, they'd rather be anywhere else than here.

I'm going to go HERE now.

Love you,

19:06:52 - 2001-02-06


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