meximick's Diaryland Diary


An Electronic Mailing to an Old Friend

Mark -

I never thought you were behind the prank calls. You or anyone else. But whoever is responsible is a Goddamned genius, and should be informed about the havoc that was wraught as a result of it.

To avoid repetition, I'll post the transcript from my chat this morning with that chick I instant message:

hOT-RAve3RR69U: good morning!

evil meximick: I had an argument with my roommate which almost made her move out this weekend

hOT-RAve3RR69U: oh man

hOT-RAve3RR69U: what happened?

evil meximick: it was really fucked

evil meximick : I stayed in on friday

evil meximick : so did mike, until he went to work at the improv theatre he works at, running the sound

evil meximick: about 10pm

hOT-RAve3RR69U: ok

evil meximick: C___ had already left to go to a bar with one of her friends

evil meximick: twice, within an hour, I got prank calls

evil meximick: the same guy - calling me by name, calling from some public gathering

hOT-RAve3RR69U: suspicious

hOT-RAve3RR69U: what did he say?

evil meximick: telling me to stay away from "my woman, Quaneetha"

evil meximick: threatening to cut me

hOT-RAve3RR69U: jesus

evil meximick: saying he knew where I lived

evil meximick: and I'm kinda stoned, so none of this is going well with me

evil meximick: after I got the first call

evil meximick: I told mike all about it

evil meximick: he said, "It sounds like C___'s fucking with you"

evil meximick: and he laughed

hOT-RAve3RR69U: man, how is that funny?

evil meximick: I know

evil meximick: so after mike left, I got another call, prolly about an hour later

evil meximick: same guy

evil meximick: same dialogue

evil meximick: and all I say is "Hand the phone to C___"

hOT-RAve3RR69U: ooh

evil meximick: "Stop fucking around, hand C____ the fucking phone"

evil meximick: over and over

evil meximick: he hesitated

evil meximick: it was either someone imitating ebonics, or actually a black guy

evil meximick: I couldn't tell

evil meximick: so he eventually hangs up

evil meximick: and there is no one who would call me from a bar, calling me by name, fucking with me like this

evil meximick: no one

hOT-RAve3RR69U: not mark?

evil meximick: no

hOT-RAve3RR69U: okay

evil meximick: he said later it wasn't him

hOT-RAve3RR69U: and C____'s shady anyway

evil meximick: if it was, he would have finally admitted it

evil meximick: totally

evil meximick: did I tell you she claimed to Mike she was a stripper?

hOT-RAve3RR69U: yeah

hOT-RAve3RR69U: she's not?

evil meximick: now mike isn't sure he believes her

hOT-RAve3RR69U: good lord.

evil meximick: so

hOT-RAve3RR69U: lock up your stuff!

evil meximick: I don't know how to reach her

evil meximick: I looked for her cell #, but couldn't find it

evil meximick: so I wait

evil meximick: she comes in later, going on about feeling bad about shutting out some black people at our front door who told her they were going up to see freinds in our building

evil meximick: telling me she wasn't a racist

evil meximick: not making any sense

evil meximick: I ask her point blank

evil meximick: did she know about the calls

evil meximick: and she was drunk, I could tell

evil meximick: but not stumbling, slurring drunk

evil meximick: so with her going on about concepts like racism, I think she can understand something like the prank calls I got this night

evil meximick: but she's dodging my questions

evil meximick: contorting her face in varying degrees of fake-looking confusion

evil meximick: "Wha - I don't understand??"

evil meximick: over and over

evil meximick: and I'm making it so a 5 year old would understand

evil meximick: and the more I'm explaining it, the more she's acting dumb

hOT-RAve3RR69U: ok

evil meximick: so I'm explaining myself over and over

evil meximick: reiterating what happened

evil meximick: and I'm getting angrier

evil meximick: because she's claiming not to understand

evil meximick: but she's not good at playing dumb

evil meximick: either that, or I've given her way too much credit for her intelligence

evil meximick: she asks me over and over

evil meximick: "I don't know you. Are you being serious? Are you fucking with me??"

evil meximick: and I tell her again and again, "What have I done to make you think I was joking? I'm completely fucking serious, Cindy."

evil meximick: and she's rolling her eyes, making weird, little girl, "Oh, I don't know what-ever you mean"- gestures

evil meximick: it was hard to watch

hOT-RAve3RR69U: that's very annoying

evil meximick: I know

evil meximick: so I vary from calm restating of my concerns

evil meximick: to being upset, telling her, "I can't really believe you're this dumb, that you don't understand the words I'm saying."

evil meximick: (I'm remembering this like it happened yesterday)

evil meximick: like

evil meximick: and she never denied knowing about this

evil meximick:the calls

hOT-RAve3RR69U: if she was able to stand and respond to you

hOT-RAve3RR69U: she MUST have been able to understand what you were saying

evil meximick: she said, "I was out at a bar with my friend Rick. He's German and English, I think. I don't know any black people."

evil meximick: all kinds of extraneous things like that

hOT-RAve3RR69U: freak!

evil meximick: yeah!

hOT-RAve3RR69U: i'm all angry for you now

evil meximick: so I tell her, "Bottom line, if you had anything to do with this, you're wrong. It was fucked up. No one I know would do this to me. I don't appreciate it. Do not fuck with me ever."

hOT-RAve3RR69U: right

evil meximick: so after awhile, I'm still on the couch

evil meximick: tired

evil meximick: exhausted

evil meximick: I can't yell anymore

evil meximick: and she keeps talking

evil meximick: and all I can say is "I can't talk to you anymore"

evil meximick: and I couldn't

evil meximick: and she's getting all charged up

evil meximick: saying "Well, I've had some fucked up, psycho roommates before, I don't need this shit"

evil meximick: and starts obviously throwing around the boxes of her stuff in the kitchen

evil meximick: i realize she's moving her stuff into the hall

hOT-RAve3RR69U: good lord

evil meximick: mumbling, "hhfhf.. bullshit... jdjjdjj... had a good night till I got home.."

evil meximick: and it's all as annoying as it sounds

evil meximick: and I'm all calm and shit

evil meximick: telling her, "It's 2 in the morning. You don't have to do this now."

evil meximick: and she says, "I might as well get this out of the way. No use in waiting."

evil meximick: she's a total victim

hOT-RAve3RR69U: where exactly was she going to go?

evil meximick: she never said she was leaving that night

hOT-RAve3RR69U: oh, she was just packing

hOT-RAve3RR69U: that's so silly

evil meximick:(and since she has little to no friends, maybe that's why)

evil meximick: she once showed us one of her prescriptions

hOT-RAve3RR69U: what kind of prescriptions?

evil meximick: it was for an anti-depressant

evil meximick: maybe Zoloft?

hOT-RAve3RR69U: oh....why show that?

evil meximick: she claimed (and I laughed at the time) her ob/gyn prescribed it for her

evil meximick: something about her cycle

hOT-RAve3RR69U: uh

evil meximick: figures

evil meximick: yeah

hOT-RAve3RR69U: so she packed everything up on friday night?

evil meximick: yeah



Annoying, isn't it?

Oh, and Rug is cool.

11:45 a.m. - 2001-10-23


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