meximick's Diaryland Diary


A return, with nothing much to say.

I haven't felt inspired lately to write as to my comings and goings. My hands are cold. Going to LI to brother's new home for Thanksgiving. It really is too bad that my mom decided she can't go a long weekend without associating the length of my hair with my complete and utter failure as a human being. She's sensitive like that.

So right about now, I'm thinking it's gonna be a popsicle stick-based sculpture Christmas. Glitter glue. Crepe paper. It'll be magical. And cheap.

Ok, my hands are warm again.

Bad things are afoot, school loan-wise, for me. I really can't stand those guys and their "where's our money you borrowed??" attitudes. Fuckers. If they'd have seen how I spent that money, they'd have taken it back long ago and then invested heavily in liquor stores located adjacent to state universities.

There is talk of a coup within my apartment.... This bodes well for the dweller-in-exile-who-is-crashing-at-his-girlfriend's-apartment-while-she-is-on-vacation-and-sneaking-into-his-own-Goddamned-apartment-to-shower-in-the-morning. Me. It's merely a simple "You have until next week to find another place to live" and a dramatic tearing of the subletter lease away.

4:54 p.m. - 2001-11-06


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