meximick's Diaryland Diary


Drunken Entertainment

my boss gave me a fireworks catalog because she said she had an extra. i'm not sure if this should bother me.

so i finally got to sleep this morning at 1:30 am after nearly getting into a fight with one drooling, drunken roommate and disarming another drunken, golf club-wielding. i wanted to smash them both in their fucking heads to get them to come around, but it would've done no good.


i fucking hate feeling mature. i used to be drunken, retarded, "where the fuck did all my money go", fall down drunk. but now it just seems sad and pointless. maybe i just dislike the next-morning desire to cut my own head off to ease the throbbing pain. or soiling myself. i'm glad i'm not a miserable drunk.

my father was.

or is.

i'd like to think he isn't anymore. but then he was that summer when i stayed with him. nah. he wasn't miserable. he just should have drank less.

this is yet another reason why i enjoy pot more than alcohol. no hangovers. takes little effort to get wasted. and no uncontrollable, violent, antisocial behavior.

2:12 p.m. - 2001-05-31


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