meximick's Diaryland Diary


Frankie Says Relax


Boredom has been punching me in the kidneys all day. Nothing I can do to alleviate it. Nothing new on the web for me to waste my time on. The games I've downloaded (half of which I can't get to install properly) I've overplayed.

I've actually been doing work, but it's the tedious, awful, spreadsheet kind of bullshit that looks distinctly to outside observers like I'm staring blankly at spreadsheets.

And just who the hell is letting Bon Jovi get radio play nowadays?!

So this office is getting weirder. Some people are getting FedEx envelopes with very confidential job offers from the new company. (FYI - the first rule of the Envelope Club is do not talk about the Envelope Club.)

Even though no one is supposed to know or ask if you've received an envelope, it's becoming clearer who is being let go. I let it slip to one person that I was expecting an envelope, so obviously I can't be trusted with secrets. Oh well.

Can't I just flush the Piper account down the toilet or leave it on the L? That's where they belong, those suckers! Stupid toilet account.



4:05 p.m. - 2001-07-24


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