meximick's Diaryland Diary


My 2001 Job Performance Review

Damn, I didn't write about my job performance review I recently received!

Out of a scale of 1.0-4.0, where:

1.0= You're fired. Get out. Just shutup and get out. You are garbage.


4.0= I like you. Like, more than a friend and stuff.

I got a....2.86!

I got everything satisfactory except for the substandard "Initiative" category.

Here's some excerpts from the comments:


"At times, Meximick lacks enthusiasm and energy toward his position. He occasionally requires motivation to begin producing results."

"Meximick could definitely use some attention concerning punctuality. He has failed to meet the job requirements concerning this issue."


Ahhh! The sounds of mediocrity!

Absolutely quantitatively defined as a worker, I scored 71%.

In my life, I've always done just enough to not do poorly. I've never overstretched myself. There are always others who fare much worse off than I, yet work much harder.

Those people are called suckers.

i luv you,


4:47 p.m. - 2001-07-23


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