meximick's Diaryland Diary


the Mets lose, but I win

First rule of dating P.J. Harvey - do not break her heart. Because then she will write and record a song that hits me like a wonderful punch in the neck.
OK note to self - do not ever resort to drinking malt liquor again, no matter how far it may be until payday. EVER.
So I woke up late today not so much sleepy and hungover, but comatose. My eyes were the only part of my body I could control. And my vocal chords. I said "Fuck" alot.

So the night began with watching the World Series, while listening to NOFX's "I Heard They Suck Live" and that's not just a clever title either, as I wasn't impressed by their drunken punk performance. I also got my new baseball game for the Neo Geo Pocket which is like GameBoy except cooler and Japanesier and it's not available in the US anymore, but it really rocks quite hard. Mark came home and explained his plans for the near future, informing me about said plans with focus and clarity, further suggesting ideas about what I should have in mind for the future. I was intrigued. It's the important things that I typically keep out of mind until I reach critical meltdown, and then typically go get drunk, so this talk about plans for the future was refreshing and unexpected. What to do with my life? Grad school, sure, but in what direction? Which discipline do I want to invest 2-3 years in?
Oh, Sheri just did a little "we just closed a $3,000 order" dance, which sickens me to no end. Am I supposed to be that excited?
So anyhoo, this intriguing discussion promptly ended with Mike coming home with a 12-pack, dropping it cleverly in the butter that someone had left on the coffee table, explaining how drunk he was. His suggestion was persuasive, too. So as the first beers were opened and enjoyed, the talk turned to beer and the obtaining of more beer. Neither Mark nor I got paid, and Mike and his bastard-ass budget left him with enough money for only himself to get drunk, with $3 left over. So picture this...3 slovenly dressed guys World Series on tv in background, drinking Busch (we're Mountain Men) deep in thought on how with the very little money we have we could get more beer. Pathetic? I thought so too. I also said the same numerous times. So money was "discovered" from various sources. Favors were called in. One slob was dressed and sent off to the liquor store and returned with 120 ounces of the finest malted liquor manufactured in the dirtiest facilities Mexico permits. One bottle for each of us. After a spell, we became a little raucous, as we yelled at the Mets as they lost (those fuckers), and fought with each other over which Jimmy Buffet song would be played next. (As I recall, it was "Come Monday", and my heart broke all over again...). The tv viewing ended with a teary-eyed Joe Torre as the Pogues kicked me in the face with "Auld Triangle", "Sunnyside of the Street", and "If I Should Fall From Grace With God" - go now, right this minute, to some internet corporate monolith such as Tower Records and buy the entire Pogues catalog and a fifth of Jameson's whiskey and ye shall see God.
This is the story of my life - thought about the importance of my future reverts to drunken stupidity. And I don't want to give this up.

But Monday is the day! Sweet, sweet, evil Monday, I will regain my focus and clarity. I will find out what I want in life. Aside from the booze and drugs and pills and comic books and cupcakes. But this weekend, I'm all business.
Booze, drugs, punk rock show, food at some point, much harassment of strangers, loud obscenities, and bowling on Sunday.

Much to my dismay, I found out that we don't get paid today, which made me mad. Very mad. And sad for my creditors. But then I realized I go to a focus group today after work, and for 2 hours of sitting and snacking, I get a cool $100. So I'm hungover and happy.

You might think a night home sitting on furniture badly in need of stuffing, drinking 40s and stumbling around with your boyz would be murder on your painful back, but honestly I haven't felt this good in weeks.

Oh, and I love you.

12:43:17 - 2000-10-27


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