meximick's Diaryland Diary



So I'm reading the back of the Fritos brand Chili and Lime corn chips and I'm underwhelmed. I have to take issue with this enthusiastic endorsement of the product. Umm... I wouldn't characterize the flavor as quite "explosive", and contrary to the claim made, my mouth did just get enough, thanks. "Sabrositas" my ass.


So I've been doing (what's for me) an incredible amount of work today. Emails, order placements, phone calls, billing issues. I almost feel sorta capable of trying to attempt to tolerate this place. Most people have gone home already, or as they like to cleverly word it, "client meetings". And I have no sound out of my computer so I am unhappy. I forgot my headphones too.

My brother is mad at me because while I was back home, upstate NY, I neglected to call him - he's in Long Island. True he didn't know I was going to be 4.5 hours away, but he never asked me what my plans were, either. I made the plans in September, and he could have asked me since then. I could have told him too, but communication does work both ways. I'm not mad that he didn't try to find out what I was up to. Now I'm just mad that he's mad and that's just stupid.

Oh, and I haven't spoken to my mom realpersonphonestyle in about a month. She made a move from NY state to San Diego because she thought she would be happier now that my brother and I are no longer living in the area. I knew she was wrong, but I wasn't going to lecture her. Now she realizes that she was wrong too, and there's nothing either of us can do about it. Now she's stuck where she is. She's now just like my dad, except she has more marketable job skills, good knees, and no drinking problem. I love her, but talking to her, to this day, is the most frustratingly painful experiences I go through.

I'm going to call my mom now. I'm talking to her right now.... OK so far. She needs to get her crown cemented. She's going to a dentist in Tijuana to get it done. She has some good job leads. She bullshits at interviews pretty good. Not like me - more in a suckingup-kissassstyle. I gotta teach her to be more phonybelievable. She's sad. Uh oh, tears... Oh, she's ok now. Fuck, now she's talking about fucking funeral arrangements and cremation and oh God make it stop... She's asking if I know her social security and retirement information. Ummm... Now on to the weather. Looks like the conversation is wrapping up. I'm trying to convince her to make the best of things in a new good-weather place. Ok, I'll try to visit you in January. Fine. Well then, she's not your friend now, is she? I know. I know. I know. I love you too, mom.


That was fairly painless.

I love you too, diaryland.

And never ever be afraid to tell your family that you love them, either.

Unless they are currently making you nuts......

17:35:15 - 2000-12-01


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