meximick's Diaryland Diary


The One Where I do Very Little, But Get Paid Better


Here's what I think: The 2 guys in this office who close the door on the always-with-the-door office kitchen space are very sad. I mean I don't care too much for anyone who works here. If I talk to 4 people in this office all day, I'm a regular chatterbox (and that sounds so suspiciously fey to me). But c'mon guys! Break out of it!

One guy watches Bonanza while eating, facing to the South. At the same time, the other guy eats his lunch silently facing to the West, as these are the only seating arrangements available. So it's awkward silence time when I go to refill my water bottle and the guys are there, one immersed in a Western series that went off the air before I was born, the other looking up Monroe Ave., in his tinted prescription glasses and pocket protector (there's a timeless look!).

So I have an Atari now. Finally, after saving my pennies since 1979, I can now afford to buy the latest home computer video game system available! Imagine playing crappy versions of timeless arcade classics such as "Pac-Man" and "Dig Dug" at home! And there are Atari-only games, such as the brilliantly conceived "Adventure", where you get to be (get this!) a small square. A fucking square. And you have to find keys and open doors and kill dragons. It's intense all right.

I too once believed that you could not stab a jellybean with a letter opener, but hearyoume, it can be done.

I heard a while back that a bar on the north side, which on Thursdays caters to a Phish-style hippie jam band, also serves the 40oz malt liquor that fueled much of my college education.

In case there was a doubt as to what a nerd I am, I've officially volunteered to work at The Wizard World Comic Convention going on in a few weeks. It appears as though I have chosen this over an August trip to San Diego to see Mom. Maybe September?

Oh, and I got a 5% raise. I don't know why. I don't deserve it either, but as it seems I have already spent it, I guess I won't complain audibly.

1:11 p.m. - 2001-07-30


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