meximick's Diaryland Diary


Trip to Philly Tomorrow

Quick, go bake some brownies for your neighbor (it's really not hard at all) before this happens. Sad, isn't it?

So I'm off to Philly tomorrow. I hope not to offend everyone I meet with my powerful ultra-Right wing rhetoric and gun-wielding, argument-settling ways. I can make nice, too. Time for a Coke!

You know, if you add lemon to a Pepsi, it tastes exactly like a Coke. You learn a lot in a Pepsi-oriented food service environment.

I should go home and pack. that'd be the sensible thing to do.

Lately, I can't tell whether I'm working hard or not.

I mean today, I was actually doing some research on a spreadsheet for an hour, but it wasn't challenging and it didn't make my day easier or benefit the company or anything. And that nap I took wasn't exactly suggested in the corporate workplace conduct manual. And I was only gone for about 10 minutes during my 'lunch hour', but then again, I didn't open anything other than my internet browser and my IM until after 10am. And I did solve about 3 problems for customers, but only by asking coworkers how to solve them, and then taking the credit.

It's raining tons here, it appears. Tomorrow too.

love you,


- 2001-05-11


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