meximick's Diaryland Diary


Here's how I occupy my work day

meximick: I've been looking up domain names to see if they're available
i_m_rug : hi
i_m_rug : oh yeah?
meximick: isn't
i_m_rug : which ones?
i_m_rug : dirty!
meximick: this is a funny one
meximick: I thought of it myself
i_m_rug : i don't get it
meximick: heard of the Moonies?
meximick: Rev. Sun Myung Moon?
i_m_rug: nope
meximick: it's a religious cult
meximick: they have mass marriages
meximick: they're led by the reverend
meximick: Sun Myung moon
i_m_rug: i see
meximick: the joke is clearly lost on you. poop
meximick: here's on that you should buy:
meximick: haha
i_m_rug: that's cute
meximick: is available
meximick: but I wouldn't know what to do with it
meximick: thinking of unregistered porno site urls isn't easy
i_m_rug: ooh, buy it!
i_m_rug: um, you could have your very own "homepage"
i_m_rug: with photos of your cat and your car!
meximick: that's the dream!
meximick: is taken!?
meximick: there are some sick bastards in the world
i_m_rug: honey, it doesn't reflect well on you that you checked for that one
meximick: this may be true....
meximick: it's called RESEARCH!
i_m_rug: if you say so
meximick: isn't available either
meximick: is totally available!
meximick: Woooo!
i_m_rug: get out your checkbook
meximick: oooh so is is too!
meximick: as well as
meximick: hmm� I should just be a pornweb site billionaire
i_m_rug: yup
meximick: is free
meximick: but not
i_m_rug: what does that mean?
meximick: caradechanga = monkeyface
i_m_rug: gotcha
meximick: querida = term of endearment, like darling
i_m_rug: mmm, talk spanish some more
i_m_rug: i remember
meximick: literally"one that I want"
meximick: En to culo, te lo dejo, senorita.
i_m_rug: does that mean that i'm crazy in the head, or something to that effect?
meximick: no, it means "stick it up your ass, Ma'am"
meximick: hahaha
meximick: sorry, I couldn't resist
i_m_rug: um.
i_m_rug: my feelings are very hurt
meximick: Hoy es miercoles, el dia del muy felicidad!
meximick: stop!
meximick: you lie
i_m_rug: what does that one mean?
i_m_rug: it better be something nice
meximick: Today is Wednesday, a day of much happiness.
i_m_rug: oh
i_m_rug: i guess that's nice
meximick: this is hard
i_m_rug: you need to learn more spanish
i_m_rug: you call yourself a mexican?
i_m_rug: you should be ashamed!
meximick: anything to distance myself from the white man
meximick: hey, I blame my mom
meximick: she stopped speaking Spanish when I came around
meximick: speaking
i_m_rug: really? that's a bummer
meximick: and my relatives are weirdos
i_m_rug: i guess she was afraid you wouldn't learn english?
meximick: I don't know what she was thinking
i_m_rug: mm, it smells good like food in here
meximick: isn't available!
meximick: damn
meximick: but is!
meximick: is available
i_m_rug: hell yeah
i_m_rug: spicyenchilada's a good one
meximick: isn't
meximick: ok, based on the availability of the following site
meximick: I have a great idea for a porn site
meximick: it involves lots of costumes and storylines
meximick: I can see it all now! Historical settings!
meximick: those really hugeass awkward bicycles
i_m_rug: ooh!
meximick: chicks with parasols
meximick: you seeing it?!
meximick: me=smart
i_m_rug: with the gigantic front wheels
i_m_rug: superkinky
meximick: yeah, totally
meximick: horse and carriages
meximick: hmm� this might get pricey
i_m_rug: porn involving horses can't help but be good
i_m_rug: what you need is those cardboard cutouts
i_m_rug: and you can just drape your models around them
meximick: no!
meximick: I'll not have a second-rate slipshod organization on my hands
i_m_rug: why not?
meximick: my customers will settle for nothing less!
i_m_rug: ah, the integrity
i_m_rug: you are refreshing.
i_m_rug: i'm going to go pick up my lunch now
meximick: ok
meximick: btw, is available
meximick: do with it what you will
i_m_rug: thanks for keeping me in mind

12:32 p.m. - 2001-05-23


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