meximick's Diaryland Diary


The Horror... The Horror....

Do you know what's fun? Dumping a bunch of club soda on your crotch while in the midst of a furtive attempt to remove a fresh spaghetti sauce stain from your so-superwhite-I-must-have-an-interview-today shirt. Sure it makes you want to stand up in the middle of the office and yell "Fuck!" quite loudly, but it's so exhilarating...

Have you ever had someone tell you that you've made a big work-related mistake, and you think right away, "No I fucking did not, you dink," but then they show you an email that proves without a doubt that you fucked something up and now you're in a pathetic race for your work-related life to correct it before your supervisor finds out because she's out for the day and I think she's back to disliking me again? Well... I did too.

I hate Tuesdays.

1:56 p.m. - 2001-05-22


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