meximick's Diaryland Diary


I'll mess with Texas.

We've had a new president for about 2 full days, and already I'm fucking sick and tired of Texas. Yeah, I think I'm in full-on "Fuck Texas" mode. Yeah, that's right, I'm messing with Texas, and I'll mess with them anytime I feel like, dammit...

Aahh. I feel better. But not really. But kind of. Anyway, I am only approximately 12% mucus at this point. Sorry. I'll stop with the details.

So drinking and drug use in the vicinity of my apartment has reached a near-all-time high as of late, resulting in domestic upheaval, and isolated cases of extreme filth and sadness regarding said filth. I'm going to get Mike a prescription of Anabuse. Or kill him. Whichever is cheaper.

fairly uneventful weekend except for the binge drinking on Friday night, and hanging out with our upstairs neighbors until the sword fight and the fireworks thrown out of our window into the street below. And by coincedence I watched the WWF "Royal Rumble" at Brother Jimmy's last night. I prayed for the sweet kiss of Death during the event, but I watched nonetheless.

I need to lay down.

19:48:04 - 2001-01-22


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