meximick's Diaryland Diary


I get my act together

Ok, when I let you in front of me as I exit the train each morning, I expect a lead blocker, people... You see an opening, you go for it, dammit! I wanna see spin moves and high stepping, and not the politeness that I demonstrated to you. I chose you because I demand quick feet and blocking power from my fellow commuters.


So the woman I work with is out sick, so her responsibilities fall on me. This is bad news for our stockholders. Unless we don't have stockholders. I'll look into that. Anyway, I was already 30 minutes late arriving - not the best way to start a productive day. I didn't have time for proper hair drying this morning, so while waiting for the train in the superbittercold, my hair froze solid. After 20 minutes inside, it has finally melted. My frozen head gave me a headache - like an ice cream headache if you stuck your head into a huge ice cream bin. Now I have to enter in orders and get organized and put things away in files and such. All the papers that I have no idea how they got here will go in a special file I'll create. I'll call it, "Company Matters - Top Secret" and put it in the back of my drawer. Someday it may mean something to someone.

I decided that I really ought to straighten out the unintentional sitcom that is my life. Get organized at home and work. Find a better, (well, less awful) job. Get healthy. Become financially stable [read: pay my bills and don't use credit cards]. Volunteer at that place down the street. Meet new people. Female people. Ok, a girl. I need to meet a cool girl. Or a roomful of cool girls who think I'm funny and charming and dig my hair and Portishead and Descendents. I'm not sure what is wrong with me that I am so hesitant to go out and meet people. It can't be just laziness. I've got a few things going for me... No major diseases I'm aware of. I'm employed (full-time). Kickass hair. Not completely unattractive. Good taste in music. I possess a wealth of useless trivia. Ok, so I need to get healthy and lose weight - but I'm motivated to change, and that's a good thing.

Fuck. I have to get to work.

Oh and "Chicken Run" was one of the best motion pictures involving animated chickens that I have ever seen. Truly it was a marvel of the modern world, an epic thinkpiece which forces mankind to look inwardly to reassess his place within the animal kingdom.

13:02:56 - 2000-12-05


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