meximick's Diaryland Diary


X-Mas 2001

Thanks, Jesus Christ! Mad props to thee on the eve of your birth. In honor of this special day, I'm getting a whole ton of loot.

This office is almost empty. I won't be here long. I'm 26 now. That's almost pretty old. It's the oldest I've ever been. I haven't finished Christmas shopping. I interrupted Mark and Jill in the men's room stall at the Burwood Tap last night. It was the filthiest place I've ever heard of someone trying to get it on. I mean I had utilized it 30 minutes previous.

Is it wrong to consider your crazy female roommate's odd hours (arriving at the apartment after 2-3am, leaving about 4-5pm) as evidence that she has become some kind of junkie hooker? Well, it's my theory anyway. Maybe I just plain don't like her.

I'm sure glad I'm not hungover, though 4 of us went through about 12 pitchers last night. I heard they are going to pull Red Bull off the market because some jokers went and had heart attacks after drinking gallons of it mixed with vodka. Why do these fools have to ruin alcoholism for everyone?! There are times when I would like my alcohol to be a stimulant, rather than a full-on depressant, and Red Bull allows me the freedom to be wide awake and incoherent at 5am, when I sit on my couch and smile while I watch that electronic ab machine infomercial.

Life is short. I should do something....

I'm going home.

merry xxx-mas

10:21 a.m. - 2001-12-24


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