meximick's Diaryland Diary


what a bitch


Instead of being concerned with straightening out my finances and being fiscally responsible, all I can think about are big frothy bong hits and watching G.I. Joe cartoons <--why can't I find them anywhere?

I've done more work today than all other days since I've been here combined. And I've only been at work for 5 hours. And I've still fucked around on the net for at least 2 hours.

Hey! I just solved a problem at work! And to celebrate, I'm going to drink enough water to shut down my kidneys and cause my heart to go into an arrhythmia!

Just found out that drinks at the bar downstairs on Fri are on some other department for no reason. This place is pretty cool. I'm going to bring a big thermos with me, and at the end of the night, I'll have 20 oz. of scotch to throw at my boss - after I drink the first 20 oz.

My position here involves sending emails and leaving messages for company retards so they can write back to me, saying they need some other guy in some other department to get back to them before they can get some other monkey to push the lever so they can get the reward pellet.

So I'm feeling pretty good for myself, careerwise. Is this my fucking career?!

It's really no wonder I think about drugs and porno so much.

Oh and the fucking button on the vending machine is broken, so if you want any snack with the number 3 in the code, you're shit out of luck!

This is the worst day ever.

Worse than the plagues of Egypt and Chernobyl combined.

15:37:48 - 2000-08-22


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