meximick's Diaryland Diary


Judgement Day

Ok, so I woke up late for work this a.m. Stoned. Those 1 am bong hits did not come off as well as I would have expected.

And I'm definitely going to stop calling in to tell someone when I'm going to be late for work. Almost every day, I arrive to work, sweat pouring down my face, 10 minutes late. Out of about 20 people in this office, I'm still the first to arrive. The girl I work with, oh she's conscientious and hard working and doesn't look up nearly enough internet pornography as I do, but she's at least one hour later to work each week than I am. And she has our boss's signature stamp, so when we turn in our time sheets, she just stamps everyone's - no questions asked.

This week, I'm going to put in for 25 hours of overtime.

A couple of weeks ago, I had an interesting weekend. It consisted of the following:

Playing Playstation, watching tv, and finally determining, once and for all, which is the superior candy:


or its bastard offspring,

Chewy Spree

You may find yourselves asking, "But how can you be the one to decide? Who died and left you God, you dirty son-of-a-bitch?".

I thought it was high time that someone took it into their own hands to find an answer to the question that has plagued me for all time: which candy reigns supreme?

Each had their good qualities - both provided the sweetness and tartness that I expect from the people of Willy Wonka� Candy.

I also assessed the distribution of flavors within each roll. While there were no less than 4 pieces of each flavor in the regular Spree roll (grape, lemon, lime, cherry, and orange), I could find no empirical evidence that grape was even a flavor offered within a standard roll of Chewy Spree. This confused me for the longest time. I mean

the label clearly indicated that purple was a part of the Chewy Spree experience!

Sadly, none were present.

I must have stared at that bowl of Chewy Spree for a long time, wondering if I should call the consumer satisfaction hotline. I didn't.

This is the point that the two candies truly separate - taste.

The Chewy Spree tasted like crap. There's some bad chemically aftertaste to them - probably from the chemical that keeps them soft. It started to weird me out after a while, going from one candy to another.

The regular Spree was ok, if you like that sort of candy. But then again anything is better than the distilled misery of a roll of Chewy Spree.

13:11:04 - 2000-08-23


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