meximick's Diaryland Diary


Maybe it's me, but shouldn't it be called "de-worming"?

So far it's been a great Monday!

The tests came back positive, but the doctor says what I have is treatable, so I won't have to go through the unfortunate late stage blindness and/or insanity.

Hooray for me!

This weekend, for all the drinking and other things, was quite pleasant. I feel well adjusted; ready for a Monday full of doing nothing and drinking soda pop.

I have to rearrange my priorities. I need to stop, you know, little things like buying vodka instead of toilet tissue, or bypassing my insulin prescription for sheet after sheet of button candy. Who was that marketing genius who decided to combine the rich flavor of sugar dots on a sheet of paper with the challenging robustness of a piquant Red #40 and an unpretentious Yellow #8?

I need to get my life together - not that I'm out of control, it's just a complete lack of responsibility for my actions and inactions. Not taking care of myself physically (read- I'm a fat lump of shit) and buying drugs instead of paying my credit card bill.

But here's how I'm going to change - September is the month I turn it all around. I figure that if I stay with my plan, I'll be able to pay down my college loans and yet also be the largest drug kingpin in the midwest United States, destroying and absorbing smaller drug dealing cadres as I see fit.

"How?" you may ask.

"Shut up," I quickly respond.

When it comes to discussing plans to rule the illegal drug trade in the wealthiest nation in the world, I can't very well talk about it in an online diary entry. That would be just plain dumb.

16:55:40 - 2000-08-28


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