meximick's Diaryland Diary


The Counterassault

well it's about time i update you, you stupid diary. and yes, you are stupid.

As a matter of fact, you may be the stupidest, most inanimate piece of online filth since MSNBC or this crap.

I feel a rift growing between us, diary. I mean I don't even know your first name, and yet I feel you are the only one who truly understands my trials and tribulations as a 14 year old grrl who is just entering high school and hates her body and thinks that no boy will ever like them.

And see - I can lie to you too, you saucy bitch. Yeah, you like that, huh? you like it when I hurt you like that, right? You know why? It's because while I'm not watching you, you run off to your Sadism and Masochism and bathroom fetishist pay sites and then I get billed for them.

How in God's name do you get multiple lines of credit in my name?

I'm turning this shit around! Now it's your turn to write, because I had it up to here with your insults. I'm leaving and I'm taking the kids, you son-of-a-bitch!

You never loved me.

Your pal,


21:02:09 - 2000-08-29


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