meximick's Diaryland Diary


i rock

Guess what, diary... I was right about the awful situation I wrote about earlier. And who was wrong - that human garbage salesperson who I report to. If I hadn't asked so many questions, the client would have been in violation of the SEC or some wacky shit like that.

And then, my boss heard about the whole mess, and explained that I was right and that the salesperson was wrong and I just sat there nodding politely, with an innocent, inquisitive look on my face, but an the inside, I was saying, "THIS IS FUCKING GREAT!! She's getting chewed out politely in front of me because she screwed up."

There's few things quite like the satisfaction of knowing that you're right about something, and then having others tell you so.

I'm going to just sit here for the rest of the day, with a self-satisfied grin on my face. And my hand on my privates.

Do all cobb salads come with blue cheese? Who the fuck regulates this horseshit? I couldn't eat fully one third of my goddamned cobb salad because this fermented, moldy horror was covering the good shit. If it weren't for the prescence of loving, trusting bacon, I would have voided my bladder on the table in front of my co-workers.

.............End Communique..................

18:24:07 - 2000-08-31


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