meximick's Diaryland Diary


what an awful, long, boring day that I wish would end but probably never will

You know, diary, I've stopped even trying to seem like I'm working. I really ought to be wearing a dirty Hawaiian shirt and be holding a Mai Tai just to at least have a comical appearance regarding my ineptitude and laziness.

I really would like some drugs right about now.

Been in this city for six months already, but it feels like five months and one week. Wherever did those three weeks go? Its almost autumn and I won't get to see the colors change on the trees or knock down old people as they gaze at the fall foliage. The weather is getting cooler. It won't be long before its so bitterly cold that you just want to tear open the chest cavity of the first person you see and crawl into their body for warmth a la that scene with Han and Luke in "The Empire Strikes Back". That won't be so fun.

I can't believe I still have two damn hours to kill. Screw this internet. Can nothing hold my attention longer than 15 minutes?

Here's where I went today: I checked out the classic blaxploitation posters. Looked at headlines and took an online quiz about my menstrual cycle. I checked out the Jay and Silent Bob action figures.

At I checked the prices of airline tickets for trips I would never take. Oh, great - I can get to Tehran for just under $3000, fly to Minsk for $1800 but why in hell can't I get to Harare, Zimbabwe for less than $6000, flying coach? What gives?

And then I checked out all my links at the bottom of my page.

At first, I accidentally went to instead of Diaryland's Uncle Bob but it wasn't all bad because it is the only website I've come across where you can buy a DVD player and the world's tastiest beef jerky. Not bad.

I've also caught myself three separate times sleeping at my keyboard and coming to my senses, but not knowing how long I had actually had my eyes closed.

17:59:16 - 2000-09-06


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