meximick's Diaryland Diary


Yay, cupcakes!

I know my eyesight is not very good. In school, I had to sit in the first 2 rows in order to see what was being written on the blackboard. At the sales conference I went to last week, I tried to take notes when the people around me picked up their pens, but to my dismay, I couldn't read the projected powerpoint report on our company goals, so I just wrote down what I thought they said:

"Gregg and polly triggered culture management groups and confuse vague suggestions"

"Improved ability to con book users and cocktail cyber analytics."

"Introduction of closed muzzle supression." (Actually, that one might be right after all)

"Sensitive order processing yell with Alice and Kool and the Gang make with the development."

It really didn't matter what I learned at that conference. The most important thing was that I got really hammered and didn't have to pay to do so.

The last time I got a haircut was sometime in July, but I'm holding out for as long as I can because soon I will be bald and I never wanted to look back wondering why I didn't try to grow my hair out. Besides, all my primping and hair adjustment is giving me practice for the numerous daily toupee adjustments I can look forward to.

I'm just way too goddamned immature for the position I hold in this company. I just don't care about what it is we do or who our target audience is or my 401k or cc-ing someone on an e-mail. All I care about is a fast internet connection and having a paycheck and music and cupcakes. And free soda. And video games and beer and porno and candy. <----You see!! I can't be expected to coordinate sales for multiple +$100K business accounts! What the hell does that mean, anyways? I don't know. Could someone please tell me what the hell I'm doing here?

I'll be waiting here for an answer, under my desk with my keyboard and monitor, hiding from the salespeople and my boss.

18:05:55 - 2000-10-05


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