meximick's Diaryland Diary


I want to go outside and play...

There is no way that I should be writing another entry now, but I'm just too bored... So last week I changed 2 things about my own, personal dress code: I started to grow out my goatee, and I stopped wearing a belt. Oh, and I stopped even attempting to iron my clothes. So between refusing to get a haircut (it becomes harder every day) and these new fashion decisions, I really look like hell. And I'm hungover today, too.

My deepest hope is that the day when everyone in this office realizes that I have no idea what I'm talking about is long in coming. Everytime I open my mouth to talk business with a sales rep, I fear that they walk away from the conversation telling themselves that they just spoke with a retard. So it was a refreshing change when someone just walked up to me and asked about a release date on a new product, and I knew what they were talking about, and I actually had the information and an explanation for the delay! And I had no idea I would be of any use here. I wish I worked in an environment where I actually cared about what I did. Who does the products this company makes help? Rich people wanting to get richer, and I think that just sucks. I'd work for a non-profit organization in a second, but I'd have to take about a $4-6,000 pay cut, and that's just not going to happen. In this job, it is the most money I've ever made, and the least I've ever done. And my heart is making a funny little skip now and again, but unfortunately its not metaphorical.

19:34:24 - 2000-10-09


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