meximick's Diaryland Diary


My Back Hurts

How I love the office bureaucracy. This morning could have gone so much better than it did. But now, my boss left to go to meetings, and I just spent the last 30 minutes bouncing a ball against the wall and listening to the Smiths. And my shoes are new and very painful. I bowled a 161 last night, and my team just totally wailed on that loser disabled team. Take that, Special Olympics! (<---joke). And maybe, just maybe today the gas company will turn on our cooking gas, so I will be able to eat warm food again. Nothing says Sunday quite like curing your powerful hangover with a large blunt. So Saturday consisted of going to a bar for someone's birthday for $20 all-you-can-drink, so when I hear the term all-you-can-drink I'm thinking, you know, ALL-U-CAN-POUR-DOWN-YOUR-THROAT-UNTIL-SOMEONE-TELLS-YOU-THAT-YOU-HAVE-TO-STOP-BEFORE-THEY-HAVE-TO-CALL-THE-COPS but the deal was only for 2 types of beers and wine, so it was wack. But I overcame my disappointment and put away a healthy amount of beer in 2 hours. We ended up crashing some other party nearby where more free beer was had. And then I engaged Mark in a discussion on the differences between "spoken word" and "true poetry" - the noted difference relying on the universality of the subject in question.
What the hell is wrong with us?

17:52:15 - 2000-10-16


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