meximick's Diaryland Diary


The Korean Channel Wins!

So we had just smoked bong hits (personal favorite) last night when the tv was flipped to one of our 6 non-cable channels - the Korean Public Access channel. But tonight was especially awesome. We were viewing a wacky gameshow wherein one team of females were pitted against another team in a team-on-team team-like competition. Set up before each contestant was a straight-on obstacle course. The whistle would blow, and the lovely Korean foxes would sprint ahead, jumping over short hurdles as two huge fucking walls with interlocking gears moved closer and closer together in front of them. The foxes would try to run and get past the walls before the walls came together and crushed them! But the walls had like thick mats on them, so when the foxes got stuck, the interviewer would come over and he'd be interviewing this Korean girl's head. AND THEN... the loser had to dance with an off-duty Korean Army soldier!. As we sat there on the couch in utter amazement, Mark turned to me and said, "You know, there's nothing worse than a slow Korean woman."

And we laughed for 10 minutes. I really wish I could make up something as beautiful as this.

19:44:23 - 2000-10-16


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