meximick's Diaryland Diary



The first crunch of my breakfast sammich was a disaster. Sesame seeds scattered haphazzardly across the papers on my desk which have accumulated all this week. I spent the ensuing 5 minutes digging bacon out of my keyboard.

The new U2 disc is indeed good, but mellow as hell and very overall un-U2-like.

My bittersweet drunkenness has faded into general ambivalence about not having called in this morning. And why the hell can I not stop fucking with the hangnail on my thumb? It's driving me insane in a magical way.

The rest of the day shall be devoted to screwing with my D'Land layout and learning HTML and possibly getting fired. We'll see...

Oh, and aren't partygirl and marnietwothousand like, the coolest? I thought so too...

14:16:50 - 2000-11-03


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