meximick's Diaryland Diary


An important realization

First of all, I would like to apologize to anyone who may have been offended at the circumstances on Friday in . It seems one of my D'Land internet girls played a funny joke on me, logging in as me and creating a large Romanesque orgy. For future reference, due to some security restrictions on my end, I can't chat on D'Land or IM or IRC or FUC or any of that shit.
I won't press charges, though...

Oh and I got a fan letter from someone whose life I helped make bright - Joe from Italy. I'm a bit out of practice with my Italian, but here's a special note just for Joe:

Ciao Joe, i ringraziamenti per avere il coraggio a invia un ringraziamento che lei nota a uno straniero a caso. Lei sono veramente un esempio di ci� che fa l'internet un divertimento ed un luogo strano. La birra � buona.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ahh, I feel better.

I hate it when people ask me what I did over the weekend, and I can't remember because of the years of alcohol and drug intake.

So I was doing work today for a change. Work for the love of God! I keep telling myself that this isn't happening, but then I realize that I am actually doing last week's work, which I can live with.
Came to a decision regarding my work situation: I'm going to not quit my job, and suffer through this awful corporate hell with the free soda pops and fast internet connection until after the new year. And then I'll get a kickass swanky job as a manager of a stripclub or something awesome like that.

Mike just started a part time job as a bouncer in a bar. He started on Saturday, and came home stinking drunk at 6am Sunday. This job will be a one-way ticket to the liver transplant ward for him.

When my back begins to feel better, I'll get another job so that I can afford to buy all the Legos and sweet, delicious bourbon I crave...
On Sunday, I went to Julie and Paul's and got to see the baby - oh yeah, I'm a muthafuckin' uncle - how rad is that?

I was sitting on their couch, holding that sweet little girl, when I came to a great realization - that no matter the stress and bullshit life may bring to you, the million little frustrations we have to put up with everyday - all that fades away when you have a peaceful sleeping baby laying on your chest...

16:13:44 - 2000-11-06


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