meximick's Diaryland Diary



where the fuck have i been? -more awful work shit that I will refrain from delving into. Suffice to say I am not getting the raise I thought I was going to get. And suffice to say people are running away from this office...

Just picked up a couple of cds - Smashing Pumpkins "Gish", Archers of Loaf "Seconds Before the Accident", and another item of unimaginable power, an item so incredibly amazing that all shall tremble before it's unholy prescence... Naw, it's just something cool I'm debating whether or not to give as a gift, and I haven't decided yet.

Well, no response to my Chi Reader ad to find this girl But it'll run in another issue, so I'm good.

Today was fairly uneventful. Lots of complaining. Found out about the not getting a raise shit, which made me mad, but then decided I was in no way going to bust my ass for this new unwarranted, unwelcome company change. I am hoping that this situation fails and my boss is fired. What do I care - I don't even know her.

You could tell me my new boss is Tony Danza, and that he will also be my sassy live-in housekeeper with his ragtag tomboy-turn-glamorous young lady of a daughter, Samantha, and I couldn't argue. Nor would I want to...

Ahh complacency! Where have you been, my elusive friend?

I'm far too young to let work wear me down. I've got, what, 10, 12 years left.

Things to do list...

1)That whole 'Bloodletting of the Midwest in a merciless scorched earth pogrom' thingy...
2)While in Levenworth, write the "Great American Prison Death Threat Letter"...
3)And finally, reunite rap supergroup The Fat Boys, and substitute myself for that one Fat Boy who died when he fell off his couch. So sad...


Now how's this for excitement? I'm leaving work now to go buy poster frames and whiskey.

I'd lay even odds tomorrow's entry will be about hangovers.

20:42:09 - 2000-11-15


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