meximick's Diaryland Diary


Wanted: Direction

Today for me has been all about feeling alternately disgruntled and frustrated about the stupid employment situation I now find myself. I just told a coworker that I was not ready to be helped, and that I don't want to help myself. I'm doing nothing to combat my image as the quiet, sullen guy in the corner.

My main obstacle is probably the fact that I have no idea what I want out of life. I don't know what I want out of my next job. All I have to think about is my work history, and I'm not sure I want to stick with that. I could do a million things, but I have no perspective from which to start looking.

I checked today, entered a broad search throughout the Chicagoland area, with the keyword "college" (presuming jobs necessitating a degree). The results were worse than I could have predicted. I felt like it was the last time I picked up the Sunday paper and saw mostly jobs in the fields of nursing, construction, or trucking. My search at brought up jobs emphasizing "building large group presentations", "quantitative data analysis", and tons of other useless corporate slave activities.

Also bothering me is the fact that I am being pushed out while much more useless people are staying. There was no explanation given to me for this, other than, "that's just the way it's being handled."

So I vented a bit today. On the subject of ass-kissing, one coworker told me, "I don't think you know how to do that."

My father told me that he never kissed ass to get ahead, which was why he didn't go far when he worked for New York State. Makes sense to me, but he's now 65, dealing blackjack in Nevada, being sought by the IRS, and has 2 kids under 8 years of age.

I suppose I need to choose my lessons wisely...

4:04 p.m. - 2002-05-09


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