meximick's Diaryland Diary


If you could cheer me up, I could learn to love you.

Ahhh gayporn reviews. It's not often that I can review the latest in hardcore gay smut while in the cozy confines of the workplace - A) because I am heterosexual, and don't desire to keep up with all the goings on in the gay porno world and B) I typically would be blocked from viewing such webpages.

But here we are.

Got a free bottle of this on Jackson. It sucks like few products can suck. It has sucrose in it, which to me is sacchrine sweet. Also I am an useless non-active person who should only use Gatorade products to hold a hangover at bay, so the bottle doesn't look right at all in my hand.

My back has been in fairly bad shape for a while. I can't help wondering how much of my pain is due to the stress I'm currently in.

I care, and I don't. I care about being employed and having money, but I think no matter whether I search dilligently for the 'perfect job', or I take what I am qualified for when I finally decide to look, I'll end up pretty much where I am now, employed with a bullshit job at a bullshit company, doing things too boring to care about. Depressing.

Lately, for fleeting moments (usually just only 5 minutes or so), I feel really depressed and helpless and trapped and lost and confused. I don't dwell on those moments, but just telling myself to have a positive attitude won't help. And I know things could be worse, but that's not helping either. The girl already shares enough of my problems, but I can't block how I really feel. I can't imagine what this would be like without her with me. I don't completely rely on her for my mental well-being, but she is always there for me, and I love her for it.

That fleeting moment lasted half the day today.

What would make me feel better? Looking for a job?

Which job?

What is it I really want out of life?

Why am I bored with that fucking question?

1:09 p.m. - 2002-05-07


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