meximick's Diaryland Diary


Silly Putty

My boss, sitting about 8 feet away from me, in the middle of the sales office where we work just slammed the phone down, said loudly, "Fuck Trish (our respective boss in NYC), and fuck sales right now!", and stormed away.

It is moments such as these that bring me such undescribable joy and amusement that I am proud to be a human, embued with the ability to vent our spleen toward those we have just gotten off the phone with, and then go grab a Coke.

Did you know that copies of Sharp fax machine owner's manuals are about $40? I just found that out, and that's just bullshit, yo.

Feeling confident about sleeping an extra 20 minutes, thereby arriving to work 20 minutes late is a good feeling.

I started reading City of Quartz by Mike Davis. It's about the social history of the 'manufacturing' of Los Angeles. Los Angeles (or "LA" as I call it) was the first US city to flourish almost solely based on real estate speculation. After much thought, I've decided that that fact is the most boring piece of trivia I know.

I spoke with my mom last night and gave her a pep talk - "I don't wanna hear the words 'give up'. You're a strong person. You have to go out and hit everyone you can with your resume. You're selling yourself to people. You need to make them believe you are the best person for the position, and you can't do that unless you stop being negative." She started to cry, and I was firm, "You have to knock that off. You have a great opportunity where you are, and I know you'll make a good impression. I believe in you." And I think that was pretty much the best thing I could have told her.


14:56:39 - 2001-01-24


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