meximick's Diaryland Diary



Word up, Diary.

Just to let you know... I write nothing for you, diary. I never have.
-I care not who reads this, so no password.
-I don't care how many page views I get, so no counter.
-If you like what I put up, that's great, but I still won't get a guestbook. Throw me an email if you want- I'll write back.

The only reason I even started to write in you is to amuse myself. Seriously. I crack myself up sometimes. I read and reread my entries, not because I consider them worthwhile. Just the opposite - I love you because you are meaningless to me. And I like the way I phrase things sometimes.

I don't make up anything here, and if you've ever read anything I put up here, why the hell would I bother making up anything so inane as the bullshit I do write? Other people put their entire lives into their diaries, investing their emotions and painstaking HTML and Javascripts and I just don't... here. Maybe. Whatever.

Bottom line, anything I write in here is to firstly amuse myself because I get bored so terribly, terribly easily at work and that's where I update. I'm clearly not a gifted writer, but still... here we are.


And the sales manager's secretary just offered me a cracker. It was stale. I'm not sure what this means.

Spent last night over at sister's place, entertaining Bubbles. And Lord knows I never hoped to be one of those "talk about babies allthetime" people, but she's supercute, and I'm so very, very entertaining to small babies. I can do no wrong in this child's eyes. She makes a cute babycough, and I mimic her, and she gives me a supercute goofybabysmile. I honk her nose, and she grabs my thumb and tries to eat it.

She's coollikethat.

14:42:11 - 2001-02-15


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