meximick's Diaryland Diary


don't hit the back button on your browser.

Fuck. Fuck. I just wrote an entry and I liked it alot and I included references to The Smurfs and Charles DeGaulle and the Crimean War and the Port Huron Statement, in addition to the unique and exquisite ways in which my back has been hurting me as of late, and I titled it something that I guess I'd already titled an entry so I had to hit the back button on my browser and no more entry. Fuck. Now all thanks to my intake of drugs and alcohol and watching lots of MTV while growing up, I don't recall what I wrote. I'm sure it had plenty of bitching about my current station in life, and loads of instances of the many derivations of the word "fuck". It's a habit. Oh, so my back hurts and I'm convinced my boss hates me and I think she's convinced the opposite is true, and no matter if one of us explains it is not true, our relationship is devolving into a bitter, unspoken, self-perpetuating downward spiral. Cool.

Oh, and I decided that I kind of enjoy bitterly uncomfortable silences with my coworkers. I like sitting in silence, anticipating some response from my coworkers, as they struggle to find some way to bring the conversation to closure.

I need to work somewhere where I'm not the youngest guy in the office. Somewhere where I can explain my job to someone in 2 sentences or less. Somewhere that I can utilize some creativity. Somewhere with friendly coworkers in a more laid-back, heavier emphasis on the casual in 'business casual'.

So I went to the Smurf web site and took the Guess the Smurf name quiz, which I feel is just such total fucking bullshit. First of all, I'll clue you in - make sure you add the surname "Smurf" after each first name. Second, that first one on the quiz is a Commie trick question. loveyou.

16:49:54 - 2001-01-09


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