meximick's Diaryland Diary


bad finances

Hi diary,

Well, it's been three and a half hours at work, and I haven't done anything. I was all nuts thinking I was going to be up to my ass with work with the new job responsibilities, but I didn't plan on the salespeople in this office not selling anything. Thank the good Lord Jesus Christ.

If my landlord should by some random coincidence happen to be reading this, this one goes out to you... Dave - please, please, for the love of God, don't try to cash my rent check. Every month I rely on your delayed banking policies in order to buy things I want right now, and so far, we've been cool. You know I'm good for it anyway, right buddy? Yeah, you rock too, guy. Oh and Mike promised me that he would totally fix my door jam from when he knocked my door in this past weekend. And the wall too, from when he threw that folding chair down the hall - he's on that, as well. Thank you in advance for your attention on this matter.

The one thing that has bothered me the most recently is money and my lack of it. My spending habits are unchanged from when I first got a job at the age of 15:
Step 1) receive paycheck.
Step 2) cash paycheck.
Step 3) blow it all within 3 days.
Step 4) feel miserable for 10 days.
Step 5) Repeat steps 1-4.

I cannot be trusted with my own money, yet I lack the income to get myself a financial advisor. The guys I live with are the same way, too. This lack of fiscal responsibility can be best reflected in the fact that the only things in our refridgerator currently are salad dressing, cream cheese, and two six month old apples.

Please send help.

"A Charlie Brown Christmas" is on tonight 8p/7c on CBS...

15:03:49 - 2000-12-11


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