meximick's Diaryland Diary


weekend recap

Back at work. Knee deep in the shit. By mid January, I will be hunting for a new job. That's that.

So I'm 25 now.

Thank you, superfoxes, for, you know, always being there to curb my boredom with your respective awesomeness:
Partygirl, who should know that one hitters are not always for use in public.
Marnie2000, whose quirky drunken makeout parties always make me smile.

So my boss is out of town. My desk is a mess. I spent a lot of money this past weekend. I think I'm getting some drugs today. It's superbittercold outside. I hear footsteps and I instinctively reach for my mouse to click back into Excel. This is no way to run an office, dammit...

I just left a voicemail for a coworker and I just said a bunch of stuff that I have no idea what it means. Something about billing charges...

Aside from being back at work after my long weekend, I feel fucking great. I didn't overdo it this weekend, did a lot of Christmas shopping, and did some drugs. I did have to talk with my mom on Sunday which isn't easy sober, let alone after 3 hours at a bar. She's ok, thanks.

Made amends with my brother for not calling him in about a month or so. I need to have him stop forwarding me cute little Reader's Digest-like stories on the importance of the Word of the Lord in my life. He really needs to do some drugs.

16:03:40 - 2000-12-18


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