meximick's Diaryland Diary


Chicago is sweating.


I've been busier than a one-legged guy at an ass kicking contest. That is true. And my cold is lingering in the form of not being able to taste food and slight congestion.

And Elvis Costello will be performing at Tower Records this Sunday, so I will have to go seeing as I cannot wait around and try to win Elvis Costello tickets, even though they prolly already announced my name on the air, thus missing my opportunity to go to a free Elvis Costello show. In many ways, I feel that Elvis C. is the only Elvis that really matters.

"Elvis was a hero to most, but he never meant shit to me/You see straight out racist the sucker was, simple and plain/Muthafuck him and John Wayne."- PE

Tonight me and the girl are getting sushi at the place next door, which rocks. I've been taking 3+ showers per day until I buy an air conditioner. Then my life will be officially over. I'm trying to not eat terribly, as I am way fucking voluptuous.




Supergalactic lover!

Comin from the projects on the hill

Supergalactic lover!

In my monkey-green ragtop Seville -KoolKeith

3:37 p.m. - 2002-04-17


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