meximick's Diaryland Diary


Rock over London, Rock on Chicago. Diet Pepsi. Uh-Huh!

I'm sick. Feel worse now than all this past weekend. But I did find quite a selection of pornography at the nearby video store. I'm going home early. Then I'm going home and drinking a bottle of Nyquil.

I've been with the girl one year as of this past Saturday. To celebrate, we went to Rush-Presbyterian to see my newest niece, Ceryes Jane. It's Welsh, btw. And for being one day old... ROCKS LIKE FEW NEWBORNS SELDOM DO!! She's the cutest little thing since her older sister was born. Even though she looks like a tiny, pink, cranky old man.

Good work on getting here, CJ. Welcome to the party.

Then me and the girl went out for ribs, went home and fell asleep. No anniversary nookie was had. Actually we've been much more talk than action as of late due to family visits and moving to new apartments and the Enron fallout and the Cubs poor start and such. But other than that, we still rock it like a Magikist, to be sure. But sordid public sexual congress is good, no doubt.

Oh, and I wish I could be this happy all the time.

F you, winter. As per usual, Chicago has bypassed Spring, and jumped headlong into 80 degree summer-like conditions. So, let the sweating (for me) and the low cut top wearing (for cute females) commence!

The girl may well go ahead with her plan to distribute this magazine to doctors' offices, church rectories, INS waiting areas, and middle school girls everywhere. She's, like, all fired up and stuff, which I'm pleased about. It's nice to be with a girl with strong opinions like that. I suppose I won't tell her I just bought the new copy of this rag. All I can say is congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Hilton, you've raised two of the most retarded, annoying, pseudo-celebrity publicity whores I've seen in recent times. Kudos!

11:10 a.m. - 2002-04-15


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