meximick's Diaryland Diary


We got a big ol' convoy

So I'm at work now Hi Gingi! And no one is here, so I decided to eat the orange I'd been staring at all day, so I peeled it with my letter opener and decided that since it was so small and no one was looking that I would eat it whole and then I almost died trying to eat it and I had the bulging eyes as my life flashed before me and I thought what a funny obituary it would be.

But still, it was a good orange.

I need to figure out what I want to do for a job. As I scan the classifieds, my eyes are constantly drawn to the Drivers section. Maybe because I can barely make it past the D's. I could own my own rig. Take trucker's speed. Listen to great music. Traffic drugs. It would be ok. Maybe.

Do not drink midweek again. Ever. Just don't. 7AM just comes far too early this time of year.

And why oh why can't I find a reliable dealer? All I want is a new job and some drugs.

Is that too much to ask?

ok. I'm sorry.



22:26:26 - 2001-03-14


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