meximick's Diaryland Diary


erection day

It's election day, and I'm on edge... I have decided that I will make a decision while in line at the polling station tonight. I don't care for either of the major candidates. Ralph Nader is the only political figure to pique my interest since I have been able to vote. If Gore takes Illinois easily, then what's just one more Gore vote on the pile? In the electoral college system which But if there is ever going to be any political imput from anyone who chooses not to label themselves "Republican" or "Democrat", this imput will require additional funding; funding which will allow their political voices to be heard. Funding which the Green Party will obtain if just 5% of the popular, nation-wide vote goes to Nader. But I am on edge about this day...

Please go vote today, dammit.

I don't care who you vote for, as long as it isn't Bush. Then, you will make my enemies list.


It's getting colder, and I still have to buy a coat. Instead, I choose to freeze on the 'L' platform and give my money to the kind Indian guys at the liquor store. They're real friendly, and they have what makes the voices in my head go away! I had said in the past that if another Bush were to become president that I was moving to Canada. Montreal is a gorgeous city.... fuck.

16:44:40 - 2000-11-07


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