meximick's Diaryland Diary


The Mothership descends on Grant Park @ 5:30

Good Friday to you.

George Clinton and Parliament/Funkadelic are in the house. As am I. I expect nothing but to sweat a lot and "get my freak on". I think there is something wrong, structurally, with my left big toe. The secret to world peace is chocolate Jello pudding cups. I'd still get down with any of the Go-Go's, if they asked me to. Why for the luv of God are comic books again infiltrating my life? A strange, disturbed woman nearly hit me square in the face on the train last night. If she had, I would have looked really dumb. And prolly cried. And my girlfriend would have had to kick her ass.

I wanna go see Kool Keith at the Metro.



3:19 p.m. - 2001-06-29


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